IVR stands for interactive voice response, but in business terms, it refers to a large umbrella of software-based communication solutions. Some IVR companies offer basic services that allow small businesses to record automated voicemail messages and route calls, while others offer website, database, and CRM integration as well as robust reporting and bill processing options.

In the past, IVR was limited to telephone calls. During an IVR call, an automated voice recording would interact with a client, and in return, the client would press corresponding buttons to navigate the system. Today, many IVR systems have speech recognition built in, so people can talk directly to the system rather than push buttons, but there are still many low-cost IVR services that offer button-response systems.

Visual IVR is another term you'll see on IVR company websites. Usually, companies that offer visual IVR also offer traditional phone IVR. Visual IVR essentially moves the first part of the customer interaction from the phone (e.g., listening to a recording and pushing buttons) to a device like a smartphone or computer.

By allowing customers to enter their information online, as well as what type of customer service they need, calls can be routed instantly without going through a touchtone or voice-activated menu. Instead, customers can connect with a customer service rep directly on the website, receive a call from a qualified rep or receive a number to call which will connect them with the right individual.

 IVR Mobile Operator Diagram

This diagram was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) Library from the Interactive Voice Response Diagrams Solution. An experienced user spent 10 minutes creating this sample.

The IVR system allows to attract the customers in a variety of areas and significantly improve the quality of service. The most popularity these systems received at the call-centers, which in most cases are used in such fields as mobile communications, banking institutions, payment system, insurance companies, air and ground transportation, business. This diagram shows a scheme of IVR system at the contacting to mobile operator and decrypts the actions that occur when you press one or another button on the mobile phone. So, at the call to mobile operator it is needed to choose the section at the interactive menu, which most corresponds to your request and to click the appropriate button. After this, you will be redirected to the selected section for further actions. Basing on the scheme, in each of three cases, you may need to make a choice once again and to press the appropriate key.

IVR Mobile Operator Diagram
