
Showing posts from February, 2022


  Key IVR Features To Look For The below features are the most critical aspects of IVR. Understanding what these features do and how they benefit your business and customers helps you make an informed decision when choosing your IVR solution.   Drag-and-Drop Call Flow Design Drag-and-drop call flow (call path) design allows admins to easily update and edit call paths within the IVR system. This simplifies the call flow design process and strategy by allowing admins to make edits like adding new agents, new phone numbers, or new pre-recorded menu options easily and without having to write complicated code or create lengthy if-then scenarios.   Call Forwarding Call forwarding sends inbound calls to the same agent across multiple phone numbers/devices without the caller having to hang up and dial different numbers separately. For example, if the agent doesn’t answer their desk phone, the call is forwarded to their smartphone, then to their home phone, then to their voicemail box or anothe